Amongst Daffodils

Biscuit's son died from a poorly heart some years ago. The vet, who treated his son, did not think the heart problem was hereditary, but I still got worried and I had Biscuit's heart checked as soon as I heard. 

Luckily all was well and Biscuit had a strong, healthy heart. But the vet suggested - if I wanted to be sure - to wait a couple of years and then do another scan of the heart to see if anything would change over time. So this morning we went back to the vet for another heart scan. Luckily it was great news again. Biscuit's heart is still healthy and strong - "like a very fit young dog" was what the vet said. 

After that I took the boys for a walk in the beautiful sunshine. I love the field of daffodils, so I had to stop and take some pictures. This is the one I like best - it's Gollum :-)

I have had the day off (due to the vet appointment), but I had some Kennel Club work to do after the competition yesterday and I fitted a couple of extra dog walks in too :-)

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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