Birthday Boy

Today is my Fathers Birthday, he would have been eighty-nine, it is also my Sister Jacqui's who is fifty-eight and mine, sixty-four today.
When you are a child, a teenager or a young man you never look that far forward and age kind of creeps up on you.
Sixty-four, in this day and age that's not old, and although should I want to I have just a year of my working life left before Clare and I set off on our travels.
Anyway a half day at work, (Clare sleeping after night shift, Sam at college & Josh at school), a coffee and sandwich for lunch before settling down for a couple hours with my book.
My choice for dinner - Meatballs with pasta and garlic bread, followed by chocolate birthday cake - all very nice.
Imported filter coffee from Joshua and my favourite chocolates from Clare.
A very relaxing day.

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