Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Blackpool in the sun.

I have spent a lot of time in Blackpool as the years.

As a young girl when we ran out if money and have to eat jacket potatoes for a pound in Coral Island and hang around in the arcades on the last night to keep warm.

Then a slightly better off young person who drank a lot and partied and ran around a haunted house with her eyes closed. Then as an Auntie, then as a mom of one, two and now three.

We were here not five weeks ago but this time we came with DH other brothers and his parents.

It was dire in places, enjoyable in others.

I think Blackpool has changed recently and it's not for the better and a place that I once held dear has lost some of it's shine. I know it's not to everyone's taste and never was but it has lost something for me.

Anyway this is us on the front it's the first photo that I think I have of us as a family of five. How rubbish is that! I just don't think we have another one. It's not the best photo but it was nice to be bathed in a bit of evening sunlight.

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