A Place To Relax

Or not!

I took a neighbours 7 month old Lab out for a walk with PD this morning.
That is never going to happen again!
The has no idea how to walk on the lead (he suddenly tries taking off in all sorts of directions) and is really strong for hi size & age.
He knackered my back!
The afternoon walk with PD was much more relaxing.
We went along the old road and I have 2 questions ............... Why? (why have they scraped all the vegetation off the road  and How? (they have massive bollards at both ends preventing any sort of digger getting through.
There are some lovely twisted and weird trunked trees along there.
PD stood here  until I had walked down past him and halfway up the slope on the other side ......... then he jumped in the water!
The blue sky had raised the temperature a bit and and I think PD just wanted to cool down, but didn't want me to be in a position to stop him.

I was going to do a before and after of this flower .......... but the battery in the camera died before I could take the seed stage (I had a seed head to hand .... I wasn't intending waiting a week or two).

It was the Craft Association AGM tonight - I managed to get through it without getting voted onto the committee.

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