Journal of a Jessica

By Wallflower


The weather was nice this morning.

It's been a horrible, horrible day. My Mum woke me up this morning because she was so upset, and I went into panic mode. A family friend passed away today. She was lovely, really lovely. I saw a lot of her when I was younger, as she used to look after me. Then as I grew up I didn't see her all the time, but she was always there for me, and my family. If she ever saw any upsetting comments on my Facebook she'd make damn sure that I was okay, and I was so grateful for that. She has a young daughter, way younger than me, who's just lost her Mum... Why!? The world is such a f*cked up place, all of the brilliant people are taken so early.

All of this got me thinking, and it's true when people say that life's too short. There's so much shit going on that it won't process in my brain properly. I'm being accused of all sorts, next people will be accusing me of being f*cking Satan or something. And other people seem to be 'deciding' whether they want to be friends again, and I don't have time to sit around and wait while people look down their noses at me. And apparently I'm getting my head kicked in tomorrow, according to a number of people. But if that's the case, then I'll take anything. Today has made me realise that life is far too f*cking short for that kind of crap. For anyone hates me, I have only one piece of advice: build a bridge, get over it, and move the f*ck on. I hold no grudges against anyone, and maybe one day people will realise the stupidity of their accusations. But until then, I'm turning over a new leaf, I have a different view on life, and I'm going to stop trying so hard with everyone. At the end of the day, you'll make mistakes no matter what, but when it's done - it's done. Use that and move on. Today has really made me realise how bloody precious life is. I need to stop pushing my family away and being such a stubborn bitch, because my time with them is limited. Every day I refuse to spend with them, is one less day I'll ever enjoy with them (...if that makes sense). Friends; they come and go. Family is all that matters. I always wonder why all of these amazing people die, and yet I'm still here. If there really is a God, then I don't understand him at all.

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