
2years 325days

It was hot when we went to bed last night, so the windows were open. By this morning, the Indian Summer had vanished and autumn winds, grey and dull had arrived. But with autumn comes blackberries! Katie has just discovered that she rather likes these, after sampling some at my Auntie's house. On our walk to nursery she loves to find blackberries and eat them fresh. The promise of blackberries was the inspiration for an impressively fast run to the patches of them.

In other news, Katie watched a good amount of the Paralympic Closing Ceremony last night. She was so very excited. "WE WERE THERE, MUMMY... LOOOK... It's TEAM GB!!!!!... LOOK, THE OLYMPICS ARE ALL THERE". I said last night that I am going to have one toddler with a big case of Olympic Withdrawal after the parade is over and done today.

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