
By FarmerGirl

This little pig.......

.....came running down the road this morning. We were winding up an electric fence, looked up and this little piglet was running down the middle of the road towards us. I quickly got my iPhone out to take a fab picture, but unfortunately this little pig was camera shy. He saw me, instantly turned around, and went up the road a bit and up our neighbours drive.

We went and told our neighbour they had a pig on the run, but I don't really think they believed us! They came outside to have a look and sure enough the pig was running around in their garden. Farmerboy and our neighbour rounded up the pig (after a couple of attempts), put it in a bag and set out to find the owner, who was duly located. It turns out it 'fell' out of a trailer going down the road - luckily it didn't get hurt. So a happy ending for our little pig.

It has still been raining today, in fact it teemed down during all of milking this afternoon. We had to evacuate the calves from their tent today, as it was absolutely flooded. So Farmerboy relocated it, and filled it with hay so the calves are warm and dry. It is really nice seeing the wee things head into the tent after they have had their drink of milk.

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