
By trabroun

The last spin of the wheel

Last gasp trip to Edinburgh before the normal routine commences on Monday

S has had loads of problems with her mobile phone and now in the previous 12 months it has been replaced x 1, repaired x 3 and today we have received a factory refurbished one which hopefully would see out the rest of the contract. It appears to be working - which for all of us is a good thing as we hopefully won't get moaned at anymore. However I did learn today that the previous mobile was good for grating chocolate on !!
I wonder if that may have affected it function !

It was near the end of phone collecting, optician testing and subsequent girlie shopping trip, we did some blipping around the Highland Market and Princes Street Gardens before heading to Jenners for a quick cuppa before getting the train home.
We managed to get a seat opposite the Ferris wheel so snapped a couple of shots before the wheel gets dismantled tomorrow. We got bewildered glances from fellow shoppers - hey,I don't care - I'm a founder member of blip so I can get away with doing this kinda thing now!

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