Justice by Leith Docks

Another clear sunny day but with a sharp east wind which cut through the warmth of the sun.

This morning I attended the first joint meeting of the Justice Board and the Youth Justice Board. The two boards have worked in parallel for a couple of years but as the evidence from the Whole Systems Approach in the youth justice system continues to emerge it was felt opportune to have a discussion to explore what each board might learn from the other and whether there were any priority actions which might be explored to the benefit of Scotland.

On leaving the Scottish Government's buildings at Victoria Quay I spotted this liner docked within view of HMS Britannia. She sparkled in the clear light and dominated the street.

Then on to get my back treated with a bit of acupuncture and pressure. Moving much more easily though I have to keep up the exercises.

Rounded of the day with some hospital broadcasting then a remarkably pain free walk with the dog.

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