Please let me eat you coat

noooo said John when he noticed the green grubby mark left after a nibble.

Another lovely day, the sun eventually appearing and a walk around the area including the rail track which looks over to this place. The free course I am doing with Emma Davies - it's very good although I'm in Layla land re the camera - suggests for the first weekend in the month we do 12 photos in a day, I feel I should take pics of the recent months learning but instead trotted off with the small compact on P and clicked away. The walk was excellent with remnants of a paper mill along the way.

I'm now sat in the conservatory looking out onto gorse - sorry NZ'ers - with the evening sun on the bank opposite. This morning we spotted a roe deer on the bank, the house owner told us this area was the nursery for deer and we think she was trying to look for a suitable spot. However a group of people appeared later and she was off. We just have to assume this is all normal and she will come back. I keep looking.

A gorgeous sunlit evening. And extra: well thanks to Miffy I tried the double exposure setting on the camera and come up with an ethereal kitchen bottle... what fun.

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