Mountain high, River deep

Or not.
A lot of chores done this morning - and then a really rather interesting report finished for the Mountain Sports Working Group. A lot of graphs and extrapolations from a survey of mountain professionals views, worries and issues arising from Brexit.
Next came visiting a friend recovering from spinal surgery for coffee and cake, I'm increasingly impressed nowadays how operations that were major endeavours with low success rates in my youth are now commonplace and hugely successful.
Then a planning chat with Fairweathergirl of this parish - we both mentioned our low blip mojo. It made me turn down a lane on the drive home to go wander the river. FWG headed to the garden and found this ace wee beastie.
I don't think I've ever seen the waters so low in Cumbria - our little beck is almost dry and I could very nearly walk all the way across the Lune here - doesn't look like I'll be paddling it anytime soon.

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