Life Slips By

By Cider12


Sebastien fell in love with Cawdor Castle this afternoon and decided it was his castle. He liked it so much he insisted on going on the visit through the castle TWICE!  He planned out which bedrooms were for whom, figured out where he would play hide and seek, planned out where to put his train set, and basically laid claim to the entire place. We told the staff there and they said they would be happy to have him as a new master of the castle. He was so haopy!

Here, he was welcoming me into his castle from over the drawbridge..."Come in, Mommy. Come into my castle."  Very courteous of him..

This evening, after dinner, he said, "I only have a little bit of energy left." Rick asked if he had just enough to walk back to the hotel or just enough to be carried. Sebastien replied, "To be carried. You be my energy." I love that!

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