Digital day

Much of today was taken up by a meeting of the Digital Strategy Joint Delivery Board where we were taking stock of the progress achieved last financial year and reviewing the plans for the next three years and in particular what we would seek to achieve over the next 11 or so months.

Lots of programme speak; heat maps; risks and dependencies. But also a lot of reassurance that the journey we are setting out on will be well planned and mapped with significant potential for children and young people and those involved in our system.

On my way home I stopped to capture the evening light on this tree and reflected on how, 20 - 25 years ago, I would have used a heavy SLR camera, probably with a Kodachrome slide film. I'd have taken one or maybe two careful photos.

Today with a pocket compact camera with a more powerful zoom and weighing a fraction of the weight of the original I rattled off a number of shots all of which digitally captured in great detail the scene.

The other day I produced my camera to take a photo or two and it provoked the comment that it was rare to see an actual camera as most were now using smartphones. The digital revolution just creeps up on you then races ahead and what seemed exceptional a few years ago is now the norm - or has developed into something new and better.

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