Croft Moraig Stone Circle

Actually, it is 3 concentric circles.
Despite how this looks it is not remote and in the middle of nowhere - it is actually beside the road from Aberfeldy to Kenmore with a convenient parking area next to the gate letting you into the field. 
My biggest problem was the very boring blue sky and the farm buildings etc.
I didn't even get any nice long shadows (it was 6.30am) because the stones are quite small and sit on the top of a mound.
Ahh well!

On the way back I stopped at the back gate to the castle.
Somebody had broken one of the stained glass windows (buggers!) but it allowed me to stick a camera lens in and get a shot of the inside.
I can't make up my mind if it is being done up or stripped out.

I also stopped at the Crannog Centre but photographically it is a bit boring. The old pier posts (uncovered by the low water level) were much more interesting. I also got a better uncluttered view of the church across the loch.

It was then back to the apartment in time for a huge breakfast with the others.
The rest of the day was spent just sitting soaking up the sun (and trying to shelter from the icy wind that picked up) - although I did take PD for a walk and between us we put the wind up the 3 fishermen ...... being as there is not meant to be any Sunday fishing.

The other two were staying another night so SWMBO and I headed off mid afternoon and took a detour on the way home to drop off the big bag of driftwood I had collected from the beach at the end of the loch.
I think there is enough to keep my disabled mate for a while making his  models.

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