a new year!

By Thesalh70

Sir Bradley Wiggo, Cavo, and Happy 40th Sil!!!

well, that certainly didn't feel like a Monday.

good sleep and up at 6am. a definate change in the weather, cooler, cloudy and a little bit of drizzle on the way into work.

got into work for 8.30am, and excited at the cycling Tour of Britain started stage 2 from Nottingham Castle this morning. so, took 25 mins early lunch to watch the start. wandered down Maid Marian Way with Catherine, and was thrilled to see Mark Cavendish and Bradley Wiggins leading the pack, great to see them both in our wonderful city!

back to work, meetings and then had 1/2 hour lunch.

meetings in the afternoon, and then finished at 5pm. called at Madam Silvers on the way home, to take her present for her 40th birthday....tickets to watch Sarah Milican in Nottingham in October (one for me too!)

home, and watched the Tour of Britain coverage to see if i could see me and Catherine, but no!

a good day for a Monday, pleased with my photos of today too! meeting all day tomorrow in Birmingham.

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