How Come I love Them More?
Cycle Three of the "Get to Work by Manual means Week.
The sun was still shining and therefore, it was acceptable to be onmy bike by 7.45 and pedaling away, whilst living the life, in my head, of Mark Watney, NASA Astronaut stranded on Mars.
Yip, am back to the audible books; am really enjoying this one. I nearly cried on the way home tonight - he finally established contact with earth, and knew that NASA knew he was alive YAY!!!
But back to the cycle. This morning was agony. I had to get off my bike, past the non-nemisis, and walk for a bit. My buttocks are killing me. But a quarter of a mile bimble made me okay to finish the cycle, but it was my longest cycle yet. 34 minutes.
Work was really, really busy again. For the past 5 days, i doubt I have lifted my head much. There is a lot of laughing, and chat, but I am focused on work, and the end of the day comes, I get changed and jump back on my bike again.
Tonight, it was a whole lot easier. I made it up the first slope with minimum effort. I was still breathing, and I wasn't having an asthma attack. I made three miles in twenty minutes, and I made it to 4.30 miles in 28 Minutes Yay! yay! go me. That includes stopping to wait for traffic.
I have broken through.
it;ll probably rain tomorrow.
But you can see, I was so fired up - I dragged Him down to the harbour to have a bimble in the settlingsun.
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