All things bright and beautlful

A first for him and me tonight - we went to a meeting, of the allotment society in 'the ivy' cottage in Town.

I remember when the Ivy Cottage was exactly that; a little cottage with ivy in the garden. In all my days its always been associated with old folk - they met in there, have clubs in there, have meals in there...

The original building was knocked down and replaced at the same time we had a new hall extension to the town hall built .. but it continued on as a meeting place for the oldies and maybe not surprisingly 'the first responder'

But in all these years, i had never been in.

And so in we went tonight and it is actually just like a mini- walker hall, which is the hall extension to the town hall .

But it was this item on the wall which completely befuddled us.

George Clooney? Life size....

The chap beside me thought it perhaps like in Shawshank Redemption- a poster covering a secret hole that the oldies file out of and head out on the town causing mischief

The meeting itself was hell on earth.

Himself has had to bring me for Chips to calm me down again. Talk about ball busting

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