Sleeping Patterns

I'm reaching the conclusion that 2 hour time changes play more havoc with sleeping patterns than 5 hour ones, especially if you go two hours forward like I did between Cairo and Abu Dhabi. On the first evening you are not quite ready for bed but when you have to get up the next day at 7.30 am local time it is still only 5.30 am body time. For some reason I wake up feeling quite alert at, say, 4 am local time, struggle to sleep again - not helped by the preposterously heavy duvets provided as standard - only to fall into the deepest, deepest sleep-hole just before I need to get up! Anyway, today I gave myself some slack and got up at 8 am local time, had breakfast and threw myself into dictating yesterday's session in two hours flat before packing to leave for the airport. It's always a relief to have them done and, this time, it will leave some time on the plane to catch up on my new time recording system. Now what did I do on Sunday . . . and Monday . . . and Tuesday . . . and? Thank God for blip!

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