Our Little Guy is 6

Flynnies Birthday...he has been king for the day....tomorrow things go back to normal....Phew!

I went to his assembly at school today...they sung him Happy Birthday.....I just cried.

My emotions are so close to the surface at the moment everything feels deep and ......vunerable....a bit like all my nerve endings are living on the outside......no wonder I feel to spend time at home...planting roses...taking care of our little garden......... beautifying the house.....and quality time with the boy.

Sometimes though I would like to stay under my doona .....all day......for days...its not that I am lazy (maybe a little) but I love the quiet ....... the dark and the safety to allow things to sink in......... to feel all those things that I really don't want to expose to the outside world.

Today especially I am feeling the  blessings of sharing my life with a most awesome 6 year old....my best friend ....(oh and Jaiya of course).

Many Many Returns my darling Flynn.

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