How does your garden grow

Katie decided she wanted to have some assigned jobs in the household. She's always enjoyed pitching in but recently she wanted to stake her claim specifically to some things. Watering the plants is one of the jobs she claimed. Tonight after dance, despite the glorious sunshine, she put her dressing gown on and trotted out in her bootees to tend to the lavender.

We'd had a rough morning, a stressful situation very much upset her. She stood cuddling me and said how she needed to go now to Bs (where we'd been headed anyway). B said to me later that when katie arrived, she thought we were going to have a bad lesson. But it was the opposite. Katie knew that she needed to sit at the piano, focus and fill her head with music. She was wonderful. She worked so hard & was duly praised & rewarded.

We headed off to school on the bikes, and talked through things some more but had big tears at the door. She asked me about it all the moment she got back to me after school.

While she was in school, I had done my piano grade & she asked me about it when she saw me. It was adorable how proud she was for me.

We got home & got her sorted for dancing. There were only 4 of them there but she had a good time. We stopped off on the way home and bought a grow bag as we've been given some courgette plants which our neighbour said should be planted out in a grow bag. She did her watering and snuggled in bed with her current CD of choice, Peter and the Wolf.

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