930. FF12 - Peony Rose
Up early again this morning and off into town to so a few things.....as part of our sort out yesterday we found a huge tin full of 1p, 2p and 5p coins so decided to take it to one of those machines in the supermarket to see how much was in it....imagine our surprise when we came out with over £53!
We also sorted through our Nintendo 3DS games as we had a huge bag full...we kept a few and decided to trade the others in at CEX in town...we now have a voucher for £125 to spend there....proof that having a clear out can be a good thing!
I still have some handbags to get rid of and have kept them aside in case any of the girls want them before I take them to the charity shop.
Spotted this Peony on the way into town and thought it would make a fine entry for Flower Friday...Thank you to Biker Bear for hosting!
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