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I've read a couple of good articles recently, which have helped me to understand a little better the political landscape in which we find ourselves. On Saturday, I read this review of David Hartland's 'The Road To Somewhere' (and then bought the book), and today I read this by Polly Toynbee and David Walker, 'Enemies of the state: the 40-year Tory project to shrink public services'.

Both are sobering reads and neither offers much cause for optimism to the reader. However, I think understanding the issues must be a first step to resolving them. That said, with the polls indicating overwhelmingly that the Tories will win the election next month, it looks like we will be enduring more of the same for the foreseeable future. Grim times. 

I see lots of people like me - in my joint echo chambers of Twitter and Facebook - who hope against hope for a progressive win, i.e. some combination of Labour, Greens, SNP, and the Lib Dems that might offer some resistance to May's juggernaught but the numbers don't add up and the parties themselves seem loathe to compromise. 

It was all of the above in mind that I took this photo of a bricked up doorway in Preston, this afternoon. Right now this seems like an apt metaphor for any serious opposition making its way into Westminster. God, I wish we had PR!


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