
By kurtstat


I’d driven down to Blackburn the previous evening, and was staying at the Premier Inn by Junction 4 of the M65. The Flow_ology workshop I facilitated at the Royal Blackburn Hospital was for a group of seven analysts (Claire, Ian, Dave, Parvinder, Martin and Jo) and was a sort of prep workshop prior to the bigger event we’ve got scheduled for Fri 19th May. It was a good day, I think I got them enthused with my heady mix of coloured grids, scatterplots, Little’s Law and ought-to-be numbers. Interesting that one of the biggest hits was the Sarah Keir length of stay histogram. Darren C joined us for the last twenty minutes and together we agreed a session-by-session plan for the second day next week. It’ll involve replays, so I’ve got quite a bit of card printing to do…
The workshop finished just after 4pm, the weather was nice, so I made a detour on my way back home. I headed for Clapham on the A65. About 43 years ago- at the age of 10 or 11 - I climbed Ingleborough from here with my friend Justin Whitford and his Dad. So I followed the same route. Set off at 5:30pm, I was at the top by 7:15pm. There were one or two fell runners around but otherwise I didn’t really bump into anyone. (Though there was a very excited woman at the start who told me she’d just seen a hare, assuring me that this was a rare thing – and a minute later I also saw the same hare and was surprised by how big it was. No chance of confusing it with a rabbit!).

The summit of Ingleborough was sunny but also very hazy, so there wasn’t really a view to be had. There was a ‘moon-scapey’ feel to it: lots of bare rock and open sky. And it was chilly. I stayed long enough to drink fizzy water, eat a Mars bar and take photographs. Then I came down the way I’d come up and was back at the car by 8:45pm.

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