Streetcat Bob

My mum has a soft spot for cats. I can't understand why, but there you have it. There is my godfather Sören Fernström, who sells cuddles for 1 krona and gives the money to homeless cats. There is Molly our neighbor cat, who steals my treats and tries to show off whenever given the chance. There is Elli in Germany. And there is Bob. Streetcat Bob.

Apparently, he has saved his human's life. Literally. Mum has read the books, and now there is a movie. I said OK get it then because it went straight to DVD here. What I hadn't foreseen was that the movie came with a - CAT scarf!! The disgrace. Too far this time she has gone.

We did watch with our friends in England. Dolly and me both wore scarves. It turned out Bob is pretty amazing for a cat. They had tried to get cat actors to play his part, but it didn't work out so he did the acting himself. Cool and smart and loyal. Our mums cried. I've decided I'll make an exception and might wear the scarf occasionally in the future.

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