What a freaking busy, busy day!
As we prepare for our trip we are slowing trying to acclimate our bodies to Scotland time. This means getting up earlier and earlier each day. The plan has been working pretty well until today.
Unfortunately, we had to take Small Fry to the vet tonight. Her left eye has been oozing and is very swollen. After the examination the Doctor (who kept calling her a him! So many times I wanted to smack her up side the head, and I am not a violent person!) said she had an infected canine tooth. But couldn't find anything wrong with her eye! She suggested we have the tooth extracted ($500 plus!). Now keep in mind that Small Fry is over 12 yrs old! Because of her age, we opted to not have the tooth pulled as we were afraid she wouldn't come through the surgery. For now she is on antibiotics and eye drops. Which the poor pet sitter will have to deal with as we are leaving for vacation in two days!!! She will certainly be earning her fee now, won't she!
We didn't get home for the vet until close to 10:00 pm! Much later than we had planned to get to bed. And to top it off, I was quite wired so I didn't go to bed right away. And it's up early again tomorrow!
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