
By AnnieBScotland

getting better!

torrential rain today, just as I was about to go out and practice with the macro lens - however it stopped long enough to have a go. I have had some valuable help from a couple pals, Steve on flickr and beeeze, and feel a bit more confident today that I will master the darn thing!!

I was so pleased this hoverfly disappearing into a catmint flower came out! I have put another three on flickr here and if anyone would like to offer some constructive criticism I would be happy to take it on the chin!

watch out soon for a blip of the wood burning stove - it is cold today and it won't be long before it goes on!!!

wonderful result from the US Open, well done Andy, a day he will never forget. on the other hand, my friend biker bear reminds us that it is the anniversary of 9/11, so we should all spare a thought for the family and friends who won't ever forget 9/11 for a different reason.

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