Simply Me

By Suze981

Cheering by the roadside

As promised yesterday, we put up our banners and stood by the roadside waiting for the Tour of Britain go past.

I couldn't decide which photo to use for the blip, so I thought I'd show the whole experience.

Bottom left: Mum, Ian, Julie and Claire putting up one of our banners.

Top right: The supporters - Mum, Ian, Julie, Claire, Laura and Michael.

Bottom right: The leading breakaway group just before they went up to the king of the mountains.

Top left: The peloton, 4 minutes behind the lead group.

We had a fantastic time, cheering everyone on (including the police escorts). Ian thinks one of the Sky Team commented on our cheering as they cycled by. Woohoo - I'm sure that means they appreciated our support!

I didn't see Cavendish as I was madly taking photos, but I put the camera down in time to see Wiggins go by! Brilliant!

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