D.D. Lion-Bug

Back into cooking Sunday Lunch for the family routine today for the first time for a few weeks.  I try not to let it get too angst-ful but sometimes it beats me!  Today had a broken wine glass and a rather too late trip to the loo to be dealt with but in the great scheme of things neither of these really matter do they?  We bored the rest of the family with out Russia photos and pretty much sent them all to sleep!

Then I went for a wander around the garden to see what might be lurking for a blip.  I gave the macro lens an outing and I always enjoy getting up close and personal.  Aren't dandelion heads photogenic?  This one is a bit like a pin cushion I think and this rather cute little bug just happened to stay there for me!

Hope you have all had a good weekend and are looking forward to the week.  I am!  Some exciting things coming up!

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