Wearing purple...

By 60plus

More Neolithics at Skara Brae...

...this morning in the sun...
A complete village, first discovered in 1850 when a great storm blew away the sand that covered it - incredibly special!
My blip shows one of the houses, with stone sideboard and beds... mmm, they look comfy ;) The extra is of the beach at the same place.
Slightly more modern then at Skaill House, where the Laird was showing round a couple of friends, and didn't mind us earwigging ;)
A quick reccy up the road to Birsay, where we intend to go over the causeway at low tide on Friday morning. Who should I spot near the Earl's Palace but the Campbells, aka blipper Munroist? STOP! was the cry, screech of brakes ensued and we enjoyed a swift Orkney blipmeet ;)
Kirkwall then as the rain passed through, for a quick look at the Cathedral and a spot of food shopping.
Another magical day ;)

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