View from my .....

...... window !
The sun shone for a short while and I took the opportunity to blip the trees, I was attempting to catch the squirrel climbing the pole of the bird table but he was too quick for me!!
I went to the pool this a.m. after my short swim I attempted to do my exercise regime, this was aborted , sad to say , the pool had been over filled and I just couldn't manage to carry the regime out. ( Apparently this was all to do with the " back wash", whatever that means but will be back to normal tomorrow ). When I got to the car I felt decidedly unwell , but I continued on to do the shopping how I didn't pass out I don't know, so maybe it was good I couldn't do my exercises!! I've done very little this afternoon, washed the towels hung them on the line , and am pleased to say they're dry.

Thankful ..... to be able to sit down this pm.

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