Child with her Child

13th May 2017:

Malawi can turn on any emotion possible before lunch any day.
This is a fifteen year old girl, with a lovely baby.
She turned up to meet Florence, head of our Girl Child Project, with her mother. seeking our assistance 
To put is bluntly, the father of the baby is in his fifties with two other wives

I agonised about publishing this, but maybe someone will care and help.

Her mother has taken her back and brave woman that she is, wants her to return to school and asked us to assist , which we certainly will with the help of amazing donors, we can just say yes.

Tears are falling as I write this because I know that abuse of girls is happening all day every day , and at this moment, in Malawi.

Its a scandal and a crime, and in our own little way we are fighting for the 189 girls we support in Secondary Schools

I will add more when I get over this.

Because we have two cases of pregnant minors some facts above are a little off, so I have added a correction below.

Florence wrote:
This girl has both parents: Her mother is disabled but she tries her best to cook Mandasi with one hand  and sells to support her family needs.

Her father is working at  herding [looking after somebody's] cattle from Monday to Sunday.

She is coming from a big family food,so soap and clothes is a big problem at home, no one goes into secondary level except0ur girl, her 2 sisters got married again and again.

She was selected to a choice of two secondary school and so is very bright Because she needed  fees and uniform  her parents found a job for her.  But while doing her job this man raped her. Social Welfare knows everything but because of lack of financial support the issue failed to go further and everybody was quiet up to now but the best thing the mother did was to reserve the place of a child at a new school that we support. That's why she will now restart her schooling.The baby now is 9 Months and the mother is keeping the child very fine.The man who raped her is not taking any action for  the baby.

I made a plan to visit her home to see and confirm the family conditions. 



We have an excellent nurse who is doing a degree in Counselling. She does a job for us in return for accommodation.

She will meet our new girl on Saturday and do her best to help.

I wondered could we proceed with prosecution but the advice is just leave to. The case is closed by the police, if it was ever opened.

I have spoken to Florence about talking to the traditional Authority, the Chiefs. Maybe it will tell us what they are made of.

Giving up is not in my nature and as they say "it's not over 'till it's over"

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