Drips on Drips!

Woke up to rain - again! But my turn to open the girls so waterproofs on and up the allotment I went! Once they were said goodmorning to and fed and the coop and surrounding ground cleaned I went to empty my and their compost! That led to a walk round my plot and a bit of weeding and by the time I finished I had drips on my drips! But once you are wet you can't get any wetter, and I do have good waterproof clothes!
I finally got round to replying to peoples Christmas cards! I used one of my photos as the card and that involved the usual running up and down stairs to get the printer to recognise I wanted photo card not A4 paper! Then on to bills and direct debits that needed setting up and the checking of who had paid what from the Chicken Coop! All paid up! That was a nice surprise! Now all I have to do is write two letters and get to a post office which seems a herculean task nowadays to find one and one that is open! 
 French dweller and I agreed to write letters to each other when we were in Suffolk looking at all the antique writing desks! There is something so nice about siting down somewhere nice with a drink to read a letter rather than sit at a laptop and read an email or read a brief text on your phone. She got her letter out first! My other letter writing friend is the old cleaner from my London school. She used to look after my Guinea pigs when I went away and had a duck, rabbits and birds at the school in the enclosed courtyard! She visited gardens with me and my family when they came to stay - she loved Hampton Court! She rode a bike everywhere and one day was knocked off it - miracle she survived but her sense of taste never came back. Can you imagine a world with no taste? So we write to each other several times a year, she always asks after my animals! 
Then the sun came out! Long time no see! 
Oh and good news my Lightroom is now displaying all my photos I upload not just 3! I had changed settings, asked and followed advice from the forum to no avail - then a few days ago - poof! Up they all came! Computers eh? Minds of their own!

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