Love it when a plan...

..goes awry!
I intended to do the village post office in the village hall then the allotment before the rain came in. Post office not there as he couldn't connect! But some familiar faces were as the village hall was having it's roof done! I chatted to Camera Man and an old ex of mine - who asked if I'd take his wife's' tax letter to the next villages  post office if I was definitely going there! So off I went, had a good chat to the post master who should have been in Calstock! Discovered as i'd thought on the drive down that I could have paid some cheques in too - next time!
So back to the village to give ex his change and proof of postage. We sat in his garden and drank tea with mint from his garden! He has such a great view of the viaduct from his place and a lovely loping terraced garden. He also has the sign of the hotel he used to own in Calstock on his house wall. I  liked the  Budai with his extra virgin olive oil - only the best for The laughing buddha! This cat came to sit on me, until I took his photo - the click of the camera startled him! He is known as Claude by my ex and Fred by The Weaver whose house he has also adopted - he actually belongs to neither of them!  Camera Mans house looks down over his garden and he was on his terrace having a phonecall so we waved to each other. I had by now abandoned any thought of going to the allotment as with rain due there was no point. bang on time the rain came, so I left and went to call on Camera Man! 
I had a coffee with him and admired his plants inside and out - all so much more advanced than mine! I also liked the garden growing on ex's chimney pots! We then looked at dahlias on Sarah Ravens site as we both love them and wanted to see what varieties we were each growing this year! We had a great talk about Trump, May and Corbyn, he wants to do a night run to add some choice words to the Tory signs popping up everywhere! 
I had just got home when a friend from the allotment who does various courses on wild flowers and felting called in with the felted bees I wanted! 
I just love days like this where things just happen! 

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