
By LeeAnne


Eleven years on, I don't think I'll ever forget.

I visited New York in 2003 and at that point Ground Zero was still just that, nothing. There was no memorial, just a space in the city where the towers once stood. There were hundreds of names on little plaques on fences that circled the devastating hole that was left behind. It was emotional. I wasn't really prepared for how I'd feel. I didn't understand the people there taking photos. Tourits, snapping the scene, it felt a bit like it does when people slow down as they drive past an accident, disrespectful almost. I'm still not sure how I feel about taking photos of it now. I shall go back and visit when I return next year and see how I feel about it then.

This morning I booked my flights. I can't wait to return. I've been looking over the last few months, keeping an eye on the prices and today there was a pretty good deal so I threw caution to the wind and booked my adventure. I fly out on Wednesday 17th April 2013.

Now I'm looking at accommodation and things to do. I have a list already and post-it notes stuck in my books. My savings are growing and the shoe fund should be quite chunky by the time April comes round. If anyone has any suggestions of places I need to see while I'm there... fire them at me!

Went for a swim tonight and I feel miles better for it. Need to get my time up though, 50 lengths in 32 minutes. Not quick enough.

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