A grand day (Day 742)

It was another warm morning as I wandered the woofers up the hill this morning.
After a few chores at home, I headed across to Stromness to re-fit a couple of radiators and change a kitchen tap.
I met up with  my beautiful wife at Mum and Dad's house, and after lunch we took the dogs along the shore at Stromness. Today's blip is from pretty much the same place as this one from a few days ago. Quite a change in visibility, and a much better view.
Back at Mum's, I strimmed the round the grass whilst HV chased the lawnmower round.
We popped in to see Ej on the way home, so I could sort out a leaky radiator and (hopefully) fix one which hasn't been working. We shall see.
This evening, we shall head to the airport to collect Mum and Dad who are returning from their holiday in Croatia. It will be good to see them.

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