Bringing the wild inside
Nearly a daylight photo... I did actually take one earlier of the back end of the cathedral while I was driving to the garage, but I've since spotted a better viewpoint, so you can have that when I (fingers crossed everyone) collect the fixed car very soon...
So, the car was delivered this morning, and all spare money in my world was allocated for a new clutch. Hurrah. Hmmm. In return, I have a temporary car from the garage with the stiffest clutch ever (seriously, my leg is exhausted from gear changes) and slightly suspect brakes. Once the insurance was sorted out, home to continue the endless weeding of the paths. At least my neighbours are grateful.
Later, a slightly less fun conversation with a neighbour (though he's one of my current favourites, so it wasn't that painful) about CarbBoy and his current Pokemon-fuelled feud with this neighbour's son. Apparently we need to have a big meeting to sort it all out. Sigh.
Later still, the heavens have decided to water the garden for me (though we have thus far been spared the promised hail and lightning). Which is nice. Though I did also want to wash some sheets today, so that will go on tomorrow's list instead.
Before the biblical rains fell, I harvested some bonny grasses and a few poppies from the garden (there were more poppies, but these are the only ones that survived the 20 yard journey without shedding their petals in horror.
Now it's time for a rather odd dinner, as it turns out that my recollection of having bought 'surely all the pasta we could ever need for the whole year' was (a) old and (b) unrealistic. So, a mix of fusili, spaghetti and some kind of wiggly ribbon pasta that I can't remember the name of.
Then a birthday call to my Mam, and then I fear I can ignore the mountain of ironing no more...
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