
By trabroun

Oh b******s No 3!

I am classed as a safe driver
I have 100% no claims on my car insurance
I have never had any problems with cars before - until the last 3 months

They say things come in threes - well this lot did

First the bump against the wall
oh b******s No 1

Next was the quick flight into the field
Oh b******s No 2

And this one was just sooooo unfair and sooooo expensive to repair

S was out partying and I was awaiting the usual duties as taxi driver. I awaited the call..and waited..and waited
Eventually at 01.30am the call came, so I went out to the car which was parked around the side of our house, very close to our neighbours bedroom window
It was a really bitterly cold night, beautiful crisp clear sky and a frost that looked as though it was the inside of my freezer
The windscreen was deep with ice, on went the heater, on full blast onto the inside of the screen - no joy
Scraping the ice - no joy
Screen de icer - no joy
By now I was feeling guility about the noise which may have distubed J&V next door so I decided to reverse the car around to ours, peering through a tiny defrosted patch at the bottom of the windscreen just large enough to peek through. Well obviously not large enough because despite the clear sky it wasn't that bright I didn't see the small wall at the edge of their house
How I hate the sound of buckling metal - especially when its on the other half's car!
S couldn't open the door when I picked her up - we blamed it on the ice as the door creaked and groaned. Only four days later did I inform the other half about this little bump
However despite being wee - the bill ain't!
No Xmas sales for me this year :(

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