
By cowgirl

My Little Pony

Mary with her new pony Jem. She's so excited that she couldn't stop talking and barely took a breath in the two hours I spent with them today!

I started the day at the flats, being there to let in the ( proper ) painter and the scaffold guy. Made sure the room that was due to be carpeted was clean ( even though I'd done it myself yesterday ) then went home for breakfast.

A new coffee kiosk has opened at the local plant nursery, so Sav and I went there to check out the quality of the coffee ( very good ) and left with a new bird bath ( as you do! ).

Then I had time to do some gardening for an hour before I headed off to the farm.

In the late afternoon I picked up Sav's mum and drove to my friend's parents-in-law who were hosting a National Garden Scheme open day. They do this every year, and last year I'd expressed a liking for some of the plants, so they'd kindly put some aside for me this year.

Back home for dinner and an evening of TV with Sav, who for once isn't away on a night shift. Have to say, if I was under the age of about 11 and I had seen the episode of Doctor Who that was shown tonight, I'd have been watching it from behind the sofa! By golly, those things were grotesque!! ( No spoilers! ).

We followed that up with ' American Sniper ' - feeling properly deflated now. I met a couple of Seals in Israel. One of them had come to stay in the kibbutz when he wasn't on duty ( American Jews can serve in the Israeli armed forces ). He was a sniper. As we both shared a common language and he didn't know anyone else there, we became friends. I never asked him about his job, he never offered to talk about it and anyway I didn't want to hear about it. I just hope he got to go home and open the bar he said was his dream.

Give me a good old Scandinavian crime thriller anyday ( my usual choice on a Saturday night ).

Time for buddy byes now ...

Maybe I should get up at 6am every Saturday? You can get SO much done!

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