
By cowgirl

To be or not to be ...

We took a trip to Stratford-upon-Avon today, to have a look around the town that our great bard heralds from. We bought 12 month tickets for the town properties, with Anne Hathaway's cottage and Mary Arden's farm being outside the boundaries of the town. No doubt we'll fit them in sometime too, especially as I love a nice cottage garden. Both properties are now well planted up, although wouldn't have been so flowery back in Shakespeare's day.

We concentrated on New Place, the Shakespeare's family home, trying to imagine how it might have been when it was still standing. It's well set out so you can get a good idea of it even though it was demolished in the 17th century.

Stratford itself is nice for a wander too, and then on the way home we stopped for an ice cream in Henley-on-Arden, as Sav said he's passed through many times and always wanted to get one from the ice cream shop there. He went for a double cherry one, and I had a scoop of honey + ginger and a scoop of toffee. Yum!

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