Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2017 Saturday -- Dog Wash Day

One of the dozens of features I love about our remodeled little beach place is the stainless steel sink on the back patio. It has multi-purpose uses, but possibly the best use is the ability to wash the dogs. Taking them to the groomer costs a boatload of money.

I always said I'd never have another dog that sheds and then little Chloe was handed to me. It was instant love. She bonded with me immediately. Her "wire-hair" and constant shedding was the only negative. The photo of the hair-brush is the evidence for the shedding problem we deal with every day.

I have learned keeping a shirt on her helps keep some of the shed fur in her shirt and not on the floor or furniture. I originally had put a shirt on her because she was tiny and always cold.

The other two, Mitzi and Max, are both Shihtzu and do not shed, but they need to be taken to the groomer several times a year to get their fur trimmed; that is quite costly.

We did numerous other things today, but bathing the dogs was our best accomplishment.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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