
Who says?
And what about the boys?
They are presumably not eligible to be Fitnesschicks.
Some girls might say that they only want fun with boys.
So, if they're excluded, then what?

All in all, I don't agree with the homily.

You see, my idea of fun is not sweating glowing with any fitnesschicks in a space like a dance studio while pushing my body into performing feats of endurance it was never built for.
To have to pay through the nose for the privilege so to do is an anathema even if I am meant to be having fun at the same time.

It's true that I pay to attend the gym, a spartan space full of dreadful machines. But I consider this to be my penance for all those cakes eaten so carelessly over the years.
I can vouch for the fact that I would have more fun wearing a hair shirt or sticking red hot needles  into my eyes.

Perhaps I'm the sort of person who doesn't do fun in a recognisable way.
I think I do enjoyment better; in socialising, in creative pursuits, in cycling, in listening to music.
Perhaps this is my interpretation of fun.

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