Birthday Girls

Slept ok....woke to grey skies and some showers. we were up and ready fairly promptly as we had an important appointment ;-)

Yesterday was middle sons wifes we had to deliver her card and gift, but as Olivia informed her yesterday, at least 100 times, yes mummy but its my birthday party tomorrow, and thats much more important ;-)

Today Olivia and Isabella are having a joint early birthday party, as they will be on holiday when their birthdays come around next weekend, they will be 4 and 2 respectively.

They are currently into everything Trolls related, even Olivias dress ;-) They have Troll beach towels as part of their birthday presents, and money towards their new trampoline.

There were 16 children and 12 adults at the party........lots of food, balloons, cards and presents, very few tears, mostly well behaved and soooo noisy!!!

Isabella did miss most of it as she wasnt too well, think,shes coming down with a cold.....but she did wake up in time to blow her candles out on her section of the cake :-)

Son has been working on their front garden, which is looking very nice now. He has been working long hours lately too so was feeling tired. He is great with his girls, and was pleased to see his elder two when they arrived. I think all six of them are really looking forward to their holiday.

No tea for us when we got home, eaten far too much party food, stuff we wouldnt normally have. A healthy day tomorrow for sure.

Daughter in law liked her beach dress and all in all, a good day.

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