
By Jenmoirio

Mellow Meadows & rain dodging

Lazy morning then set off with Natalie and wee Sienna to try for a walk. The rain was pouring down the street when they picked me up so we decided to head to the museum. After some rather funny parking antics we found ourselves near the Meadows. As it seemed pretty clear we headed down for a walk. Midway the skies opened and we dashed back to the Pavilion Cafe. Had not realised how pretty this place is. Sienna socialised with the other patrons in her adorable point and giggle way.
Skies cleared again and off we went. Had a nosey around the new buildings at the old hospital only to be caught in a very rapid hail shower! Bit of door cowering was needed.
After we said cheerio I walked home then dissolved into the couch. Only to find myself in bed at 930. Must be the fresh air. Of course I still had to get up to call Mr Louis in. Kinda sad when your cats keeping you up!

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