Ennerdale Water

Today Allison and I visited the west of Cumbria, we went to St Bees, tried to find the Lighthouse, called St Bees, it isn't actually in the Village but over two miles away, then we went to Ennerdale, I went to the top of anglers pike, whilst I asked A to walk along the shore path, what I hadn't realised was the path went into the crag only accessible by a moderate rock scramble, A isn't that confident soun be known to me she turned back, when I descended the far side she was no where to be seen, I set off along the path looking for her only giving up after 3/4 mile, then I started to think, what if she'd fallen ! I then decided that she mustn't have climbed around and surely enough I found her near to the car park, panic over !

The heavens then opened and we got drenched in a matter of minutes. The sun then came back out and we enjoyed a beautiful drive over the Newlands Hause (pass) back to Grasmere.

We also had a most fab meal at a place called Potted Out well worth a visit if you're ever in Grasmere.

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