Thunder Hole

Our eastern trip is running out of time. One of us has to get back to work. We decided to go into Acadia National Park for the morning, and then head west. GO WEST YOUNG OLD MAN!!

My dad and I took the shoreline trail that parallels the road. We weren't going to stop at Thunder Hole...but the noise draws you in. THWUMP!!! THWUMP!!

The steps and the railing are blocked off. Both adults and children have been swept away from this site. Potentially very dangerous.

This IDJET idiot decided to climb over a big rock, and take the stairs down to the best vantage point. A local lady whispered in my ear..."I hope he gets drenched." It's always nice when somebody says something out loud that you are to afraid to say. I didn't want him to be swept out to sea...just maybe a good cold shower.

I didn't think that the surf was going to co-operate. But...then a couple of doozies rolled in. Still...the guy stayed dry.

A wave approached. The local lady shouted..."HERE IT COMES!...HERE IT COMES!!

I got a 5 shot sequence...the wave thwumping in volume and strength. The 5th shot backed up, and engulfed the guy. It wasn't nice, but the watching crowd erupted just like the wave...except it was a wave of laughter. I think the laughter out-decibled the crashing wave.

I wanted to feel sorry for the guy...but barriers are put up for a reason. If you put it in can see he is shooting with a small camera. I hope he got his shot, but... more than likely...he probably ruined his camera.

I put up a few more Acadia shots on my Flickr page. The self timer shot was comical. I think I set up too far away. Had to scurry over some rocks to get there.

In our last stop at the sister Terrie fell off the curb on the top of Mt. Cadillac, and turned her ankle pretty good. I guess it was lucky that it was near the last of our trip...and not the first part. The ankle roll would have really hampered her. It turned all black and blue, and will take time to heal.

Hated to leave this beautiful place...but we pulled out about noon, and drove to Albany, New York to spend the night.

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