Wet Dry Sunny Rainy

By eubers

Wur in tha pret-ah-main-gr

Many years ago I earwigged a Glaswegian on the phone 'wur in tha pret-ah-main-gr' (tr: we are in Pret-a-Manger) and so, to me it has remained. This charming example is in the (amazingly) charming Oxford.
We are here to witness the fine-art degree show of my neice. Art at its Artiest.
It was great to see all she and the other students have achieved.
I remember her mum at art school. She would get so cross with our poor parents: they, ill equipped to understand, she, so desparate to be understood.
Just par for the course I think. I am proud but, I suspect, equally ill equipped. She is thankfully too polite to say so.

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