Sunday Lunch

Vegan Jo and I went for lunch at Endsleigh - oh how the other half live! Or maybe like us it was just a special occasion! The rooms were bedecked with gorgeous flowers and artwork, and there were discrete rooms laid out for lunch tête-à-têtes!  We sat out in the garden for our coffee and for me to finish my dessert wine! For once I didn't drive as it was an occasion for me and I for once wanted to drink! There were house martins chirping and flying over the lawn and up to the eaves. Of course as soon as I put my tripod up they would not come! We wandered round the grounds and sat in various little arbours and just talked for 6 hours solid! Unfortunately the tulips and wisteria were over and the roses not yet out!  I came home relaxed and happy and very, very full! 

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