Umbrella Day

More rain so I had a list of not so much of "Things To Do" but a reminder of "Things I Could Do ...." if the fancy took me. Well the fancy didn't take me much! The two things I did do were deep clean the coop in the back garden and clean the filter on the fish tank - neither of these were on my list but they both needed doing!
I listened to The Forsyte Saga on the radio in the afternoon - it left me feeling quite sad and I couldn't shake that despondent cloud for the rest of the day. Rather like having a sad dream and the emotions felt so vividly during it laying the blueprint for the entire day. Words and images can so resonate with one sometimes - speaking to ones own past experiences and feelings, stirring up memories that are sometimes best left unstirred and dormant. 
Writing that hat has just broken a nightmare I had earlier this week! I dreamt that someone had gone into my back garden and stolen all my pots! They had not taken Milly or Tilly but all my favourite plants gone! I have had this dream a few times over the years. Apparently dreams of theft are  "the psyche's way of indicating a fear of loss in your life." I've been reading some Journals dealing with this and maybe they have stirred up my old memories of loss. 
But my Cat Lady was looking serene with her newish African Violet forming a canopy above her - sunhat or umbrella , ready for anything! 

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