On the sofa

The best place to be. It could only be better if Corin was here.
"life wouldn't be the same without him, Mum" was what Jimbo said to me last night. He is very very right. We both miss him.

Today has been about hospital visit. I somehow managed to get lost on the way to hospital, so was a teensy bit stressed when I got there. However, it all went well. Have been swabbed for MRSA and other things, been prodded and poked, weighed and measured. I have been wrong about my height for all of my adult life...am actually an inch taller than I thought I was. I have also discovered that my surgical stocking size is a C minus.

Once again, the staff there impressed me, both with their friendly manner, which reassured me enormously, and the way in which the managed to do everything they needed to without me feeling like I was part of a cattle market. I have been disabused of my optimistic attitude that I will be back in work after a couple of days. The nurse laughed and said no, at least a week, particularly given 50 mile round trip to work and that it is a physically demanding job. Not allowed to carry my laptop case or anything really until everything settles down. Bugger.

4 weeks tomorrow. Been feeling lousy today so having been and had the appointment has given me a reminder at, hopefully, this will be done in a few weeks time. I want to feel normal.

As for tomorrow, it's the funeral, and it will be a tough one, but it's the only way I know that I can say my goodbye to her. It is even harder for others, so I will not dwell on it.

Life is short, time is precious, my priority has to be me...getting well, not making myself worse by working till midnight, finding time for my boy, my husband, myself.

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