Tiny .......
............. Tuesday104 (TT104).
My point & shoot camera (Panasonic Lumix) made a tiny adjustment to itself (without permission, I may add - lol) and swivelled its dial to "Creative Control - Old Days - so I thought I would explore the other options - took a number of photos showing these tiny people going about their business outside the Koln Bahnhof (Cologne railway station) today - as I was on a tiny "mission" .
I liked the Old Days one the best - straight from the camera and not even a tiny adjustment!!.
All was well when I got home and Himself had been fine with just the company of Whisper - and we get to put a tiny bit of money back into the holiday fund (when I eventually get paid)!!!
Thanks to whoever is hosting - I think it may be JDO (sorry, I've lost track) - and I hope there are enough "tinys" in here for me to tag it sort-of legitimately!!!
~ Anni ~
A sort of similar shot - but obviously a much colder day judging by the coats!!
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